The Eldorado Castle Fiasco

Yesterday was a holiday here in Brazil (Tiradentes, a martyr in the fight for independence). It is a holiday today as well, Good/Holy Friday. But yesterday, after over an year of longing for it, Guilherme and I set out to go to Marilândia do Sul, to visit the Eldorado Castle. A couple of months ago, I called the owner of the castle to ask her about visitations, I asked about days, time, tickets… We planned everything and at 6 a.m. we drove off to the city that is 2 hours away from mine.


Ontem foi feriado no Brazil (Tiradentes). Hoje é feriado também, Sexta-feira Santa. Mas ontem, depois de mais de um ano morrendo de vontade de viajar para esse lugar, Guilherme e eu preparamos tudo para ir para Marilândia do Sul, para visitar o Castelo Eldorado. Uns dois meses atrás, eu liguei para a dona e perguntei sobre as visitações, dias, horários, preço para entrar… Nós planejamos tudo e às 6 da manhã viajamos para a cidade que fica a duas horas de Londrina.

I had seen photos of the place, and I had planned SO MANY self-portraits there. I was taking a few outfits, including some for the “Mysterious Girl with the Hat” and “Polka Dot Minnie”, but when we arrived at the Castle, something unnexpected happend. Celia, the owner of the place decided she didn’t want anyone inside the castle for that day.  She said she would only allow us in the garden, but we were also forbidden of taking photos (she hadn’t seen my camera, that was on the trunk of the car). I was obviously stunned with the witch’s rude answers, but very kindly I asked if we could just take a quick look inside the castle – I hadn’t drove two hours away just to get there, check the damn structure and go back. She barked at me saying “Don’t you insist, little girl. You are going to get me mad and I’ll have to be rude to you”… as if she wasn’t being rude before. I was stunned, but then she did something so awful and humiliating that I truly felt like punching her in the face. Guilherme too, got so mad, we were this close from yelling at her, and I thought of the possibility of sueing her, but there would be no way to prove it… I swear I got so mad, but I didn’t say or do anything because for someone to be so rude so awful, so mean, so cruel, so inhuman, she could only have a frigging gun under her very skirt. No other way she could do that and think she would get away. She was old, fat, short and ugly and yes, one’s got to respect the elders, but I swear to you, it’s only a weapon that would give her the “confidence” to do what she did. I won’t even ever mention what it was, it was too humiliating. And the things she said… For the first time I ever saw Guilherme cursing someone, not at her face, of course. But still… and we had already paid to be around the garden, so we decided to check the place out despite the horror that had just happened.


Eu tinha visto fotos do lugar, e eu tinha planejado VÀRIOS auto-retratos. Eu levei umas peças de roupa para fazer fotos da série “Mysterious Girl with the Hat” e “Polka Dot Minnie”, mas quando chegamos ao Castelo, algo inesperado aconteceu. Celia, a dona do lugar simplesmente decidiu que não ia deixar ninguém entrar no castelo naquele dia. Ela disse que se quiséssemos, poderíamos pagar para ficar no jardim, mas nós estávamos proibidos de tirar fotos (isso q ela nem tinha visto câmera nenhuma, a minha estava no porta-malas). Claro que eu fiquei muito espantada com o comportamento e respostas super rudes da bruxa, mas muito gentilmente eu perguntei se não poderíamos fazer uma visitinha super rápida dentro do castelo, só para conhecer mesmo – afinal eu não tinha dirigido por duas horas para chegar lá, bater o olho e voltar. Ela latiu outra resposta super grossa dizendo: “Escuta, guria, não insista! Você vai me irritar e vou ter que ser grossa com você”. Como se ela não estivesse sendo grossa antes. Eu fiquei pasma, mas daí ela piorou ainda mais e fez uma coisa horrível e humilhante, que jamais vou nem mencionar o que foi, e eu juro que fiquei com vontade de socar a cara dela. Guilherme também, ficou furioso, e nós estávamos nos segurando para não gritar e brigar com ela, e eu pensei na possibilidade de processá-la – que ódio que eu estou daquela maldita! – mas acredito que não teria como provar o que aconteceu. Eu fiquei com tanta raiva, mas não disse nem fiz nada porque para alguém ser tão, horrível, cruel, estúpido e filho da puta como ela foi, ela só podia ter uma arma escondida na saia. Com certeza ela tinha uma arma no castelo, nada mais daria a ela a “segurança” para fazer o que fez e achar que tudo bem. E as coisas que ela disse… pela primeira vez eu vi o Guilherme xingar alguém, não na cara dela, claro, mas do mesmo jeito… e como a gente já havia pagado para ficar no jardim, resolvemos dar uma volta, apesar do horror que havíamos acabado de passar.

Hey, wait! Hadn’t she forbid you to take photos there? Well, if she had come up to me saying something of the kind, I swear I would have smashed her face with a stone. After what she did, she knew she shouldn’t be pushing her luck.


Ei, ela não tinha proibido vocês de tirarem fotos? Bom, se ela tivesse vindo até mim para reclamar alguma coisa, eu juro que eu teria quebrado a cara dela com uma pedra. Depois do que ela fez, ela sabia muito bem que não tinha nada que testar a sorte dela perto da gente.

It seems she was alone in the place, and I understand she might had been afraid of us. But still, there is not one reason in the world that would justify what she did, and all the other things she did and said.


Parecia que ela estava sozinha no castelo, e eu entendo que ela poderia estar com medo da gente. Mas ainda assim, não há um motivo no mundo que justificaria o que ela fez, e todas as outras coisas q ela disse e fez.

This photo above, I took through a hole in the door knob, and the two bellow through a window.


Essa foto acima eu tirei através de um buraco na fechadura, e as duas abaixo através de uma janela.

The frustration of getting a “No” is nothing close to her stupidity and rudeness towards us. I’ll never forget this day. Walking around we saw a sign saying “Waterfall >>”. So we decided to check it out, even though we were not in a good mood, and even though we were pretty sure it wasn’t going to be anything awesome. The way going there was filled with butterflies though, and at one time I saw FIVE blue morphos “dancing” together! Ugh, too bad I only have a 50mm lens. I would need a longer lens to capture them 😦


A frustração de levar um “Não!” não foi nada perto da estupidez e a grosseria daquela mulher. Eu nunca vou esquecer esse dia. Andando pelo jardim, vimos uma placa que dizia “Cascata >>”. Nós decidimos ir ver, mesmo não estando de bom humor e mesmo tendo quase certeza que não ia ser nada de demais. O caminho até lá estava pelo menos cheio de borboletas, e em um momento eu vi CINCOO borboletas azuis enormes “dançando” juntas! Tsc, pena eu ter apenas uma lente 50mm. Eu ia precisar de uma muito maior para capturá-las 😦

And predictably, the waterfall was just “hm”.

Then, we were returning to the castle and we were talking about leaving the place and maybe checking on the local church, when Celia showed up on her car, yelling at us to leave at once, because she didn’t want us there anymore. I said: we paid to stay here, you said we could do a pic nic at the garden if we wanted. She said: “Yes, but now I don’t want you here anymore, just go!” We were already thinking if we should stay or go, so we didn’t argue and left.

When we got at the church, there were people setting somethings up for the procession to be held for the Good/Holy Friday’s commemorations. One of the men there came up to us and started talking, asked if we were just passing by. I told him we came to see the castle and the church (it was on the internet saying that it was an interesting place to visit) and told him that Celia was a horrible person to us. He told us that she is really awful and is rude to everyone, and that her daughter is even worse! I can barely imagine how that is possible. He also told us that the original owners had built it around the year 1948 and that they were Nazi Germans running away and hiding there. I had read about that on the internet and well, I wouldn’t doubt it, the place is pretty far from anything else, and back then everything was just trees there (and my city was just like that too).  But my city grew, while Marilândia do Sul remains quite similar to a slum. A very small one at that too.


Daí, a gente estava voltando para o Castelo e pensando em sair de lá e ir ver a igreja local, quando Célia apareceu com seu carro, gritando com a gente para irmos embora, que ela não queria mais a gente lá. Eu disse: A gente pagou para ficar no jardim e você disse que se quiséssemos poderíamos fazer um pic nic aqui. Ela disse: “Sim, mas agora eu não quero mais vocês aqui. Vão embora!”. A gente já estava mesmo pensando em ir, então não discutimos e fomos embora.

Quando chegamos na igreja, haviam algumas pessoas arrumando coisinhas para a procissão da Paixão de Cristo, quando veio um dos homens que estavam lá puxar papo, perguntando se estávamos de passagem… Eu disse que a gente tinha ido à cidade para ver o Castelo e a Igreja (na internet dizia q era um lugar interessante para visitar) e eu disse que a Célia não deixou a gente entrar no castelo e que foi horrível, super grossa com a gente. Ele disse q ela é assim com todo mundo, e que a filha dela é pior ainda. Mal consigo imaginar como poderia ser. Ele também disse que o castelo foi construído em 1948 por alemães nazistas, fugitivos e se escondendo por lá. Eu não duvidaria. Eu havia lido algo sobre isso e o castelo é bem longe da “cidade”. E na época só havia mata por ali. Aliás Marilândia é do tamanho de um ovo, cidade feia, suja, bem pobre, parece uma favela.

We left the city and were looking for a place to do out pic nic. Just about 5 miles away there was another small city, called California. Just the difference between the two!!! California is really charming, very beautiful and well kept. Reminded me of a beach city. We stopped by the local church, which was more interesting than that of Marilândia to eat our lunch. Too bad California’s church was closed then.


Nós fomos embora da “cidade” e procurávamos por um lugar para fazer o nosso pic nic. Apenas 10 quilômetros depois havia outra pequena cidade, chamada Califórnia. Ah! A diferença entre as duas!!! Califórnia é um charme, bem bonitinha e limpa. Me lembrou de uma cidade de praia. Nós paramos na igreja local, que era mais interessante do que a igreja de Marilândia. Pena que a igreja de Califórnia estava fechada.

We headed back home, went to a bar with friends and then watched “Scream 4”. Maybe it was my mood, but the movie didn’t impress me. Two skinny @$$ teenagers killing a bunch of people with a knife… seriously? It’s America! Where are the guns and baseball bats?


Voltamos pra casa, fomos a um bar com amigos e depois assistimos “Pânico 4”. Talvez fosse o meu humor, mas o filme não me impressionou. Dois adolescentes magrelos matando um monte de gente com uma faca… sério mesmo? Na América ainda! Cadê as armas de fogo e tacos de baseball?

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16 Responses to The Eldorado Castle Fiasco

  1. Uggh, the Nazi connectino makes sense. You figure they would be nice so as not to make enemies! Fortunately you managed to perservere and come back with some noce photos!


  2. Puxa, que mulher horroroooooosa!! =/
    Gente assim deveria ficar trancado em casa e não sair para nada.
    Mesmo com o ocorrido vc tirou fotos lindas Anna!

  3. Ken Timbers says:

    Hi AnnA,
    It was obviously an unpleasant experience, but you made a fascinating report out of it and accompanied it with some very nice photographs – the mark of a born ‘pro’! And I shall look forward to those planned self-portraits, even if they have to be in another setting. At least no one can stop you taking pictures of yourself, and that’s a blessing! 🙂
    Ken xox

  4. David says:

    It sounds to me as if she is mentally unstable. However, the local “better business bureau” or the equivalent should close her down. If she took you money and refused you entrance, then that is fraud. I hope your next trip goes better and the shots from it are worth the two hour ride. (Which would be better with a chauffeur.)
    Shots you did take are lovely. Looking forward to the self portraits.

    • David, I don’t think they could close her down. The Castle is her property… and she charges X$ for someone to just take a walk around the garden and XX$ for the visits inside the “Castle”.

      When I called her she had told me so. We had paid to see the garden only, because she said she didn’t want anyone inside the castle that day. We said we could pay twice as much the normal fee to see inside, but she not only said no, she “had” to add insult.

  5. Sam says:

    I’m sorry you had such a disappointing time: I can only wonder what she said to you that caused such injury.

    But here’s a story for you: when my father was a young boy, back in the 1950s, a man from Belgium bought land next to our village. My father was crossing the land one day, when the Belgian man accosted him, and took him to his house. We don’t know the full story, because he has never told us what happened, but local people told us about it. My father was beaten, maybe even tortured, by this insane man, and the Belgian’s own wife had to go and get help. My father was rescued by the police. Although he never received any official explanation, my father was later told the Belgian man had been a victim of the Nazis, and under torture had lost his mind, accusing all people of being spies out to get him.

    However, only a few years ago a TV programme aired about the Nazis who were inexplicably given shelter and support by the government in Ireland in the wake of WWII. The Belgian was named, as a Nazi collaborator who had carried out unbelievable crimes against his own people.

    They were and are scum, and they are poisonous with their hatred and cruelty, even to this very day, and through their own children. The ones that got away never had to face their punishment, but they will. There’s no escape from those crimes. Those wicked people are echoes of the cruelty of their forebears, an uncomfortable reminder of the sickening monsters that once ran free in Europe.

    Maybe you should punch her in the face…

  6. Patrick Emerson says:

    You would have looked wonderful in these enchanting places.

    I’m amazed anyone could be so rude to you. I’d hate to make you mad even from half a world away!!

    Have a wonderful Easter, AnnA Theodora…

    • Thank you, Patrick!
      Tsc… I had some really nice ideas for self-portraits there, really really nice… I don’t know where else I could find a marble stairway like that for what I had in mind… also, it was the position of the rooms that had given me some ideas for playfully mysterious self-portraits with the hat…

      oh well…

      I still can’t come to terms with her stupidity. I don’t…


  7. Rui says:

    Bem, e tem gente que não acredita que existem assombrações em castelos, Acho que vc deparou com um. E assombração necessariamente não tem que ser defunto, pelo que parece! 😛
    Grandes aventuras Annita!

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